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Why Your Pest Control Website Is Not Generating Leads

If you’ve been in the best control business for a while, you have probably noticed that generating leads is not easy to do. The more your business grows, the less time you have to update your website and grow your online presence. The next thing you know, your website is barely bringing in any new business.

MarketingPests has over 15 years in providing digital marketing services for pest control companies. We can help you identify why your website isn’t generating leads and we will implement SEO strategies to boost organic search traffic and increase your conversion rates. Our unmatched client support keeps a line of communication open to ensure that we help you meet your goals.

generating leads

Lack of Social Proof

Everyone wants to feel confident that they are hiring a trustworthy business. When it comes to lead generation strategies, social proof is a must. 

In the pre-internet days, word-of-mouth was a huge part of increasing business. In the internet age, word-of-mouth is still just as vital, but it comes in a different form. Five-star reviews, testimonials, and even before-and-after photos build your credibility and motivate new customers to contact you for service. 

Before making a purchase, people read reviews, and the same is true for the pest control industry. People want to know if the service contractors who come into their homes are trustworthy and knowledgeable. 

Social proof extends beyond reviews on your website. Your business gains credibility when you have active accounts on other social media platforms. A strong social media presence makes it easier for satisfied customers to recommend your business to their friends and family.

No Call-To-Action

The whole purpose of a website is to motivate potential customers to contact your business for service. The last thing you want is for someone to glance over your landing page and then move on. If your website doesn’t have a strong call-to-action, you are missing out on one of the best ways to generate leads.

People need guidance during their decision process. If they visit your website and see a “Contact Us” button, they are more likely to take action. If they have to go hunting around for a way to contact you, they are less likely to make the effort.

Make your call-to-action clear and easy to find. 

Poor-Quality Content

Your website gives people their first impression of your business. If your website copy is full of spelling and grammatical errors, it will drive away potential leads. 

Connect with readers by telling them how you can solve a problem they have. Point out the problem, talk about how their life will get worse if the problem continues, and then tell them how you can help them. 

If proofreading isn’t your strong suit, ask someone for help. Well-written content will help keep eyes on your page and motivate leads to reach out for service.

Aside from error-free copy, your website should offer valuable information to the reader. An updated blog is great for generating leads. If someone searches “pest control near me,” and they end up on your blog post all about ways to prevent termites, for example, they will know your business is credible and has the tools to help them with their pest problem.

Outdated Website

A website that has broken links and missing images does not give a good impression of your business. It may make people wonder if your business is still operational. 

Keep your website up-to-date with new information and promotions. That includes not only your landing page and service pages but also your blog. An updated blog is a great way to bring in organic search traffic, but if it’s been several years since your last blog post, it is less likely to show up in search results.

Not Optimized for Mobile Use

These days most potential customers will access your website from their phones. Without mobile, tablet, and desktop optimization, you will miss out on qualified leads.

When a potential customer realizes they need pest control, they will take out their phone and search for nearby businesses. 

If your website is one of the first to show up in search results, that’s great. If they can’t easily access your information and contact you for service, that defeats the whole purpose of having a website. When someone visits your website and they can’t find all the information they need because they are using their cell phone, they will move on to a website that is fully accessible. 

Poor SEO Strategy

Just because your website ranks high in internet searches during one quarter doesn’t mean it will stay on top indefinitely. Search engines perpetually update their algorithms and if you don’t keep up with new developments, your website will quickly fall to the bottom of SEO rankings. 

The best way to identify a weak SEO strategy is through a website audit. You can conduct one yourself using SEO audit tools, or you can enlist the help of a professional marketing company. SEO strategy is an in-depth process, and some businesses have entire departments dedicated to the job.

Whether you do it yourself or work with a professional marketing company, an audit will point out areas of your SEO strategy that no longer benefit your business so that you can make improvements and raise your search engine ranking.

When your website has a high search engine ranking, you will get more traffic on your website to start the process of guiding potential customers through the sales funnel.

Increase Organic Search Traffic With MarketingPests

Running a pest control business takes up all of your time. If you don’t have the bandwidth or the manpower to learn SEO strategy and keep your website up-to-date, we are here to help. MarketingPests handles everything from advertising with Google display ads to generating leads with social media engagement.

If you don’t know where to start, contact us for a free SEO audit by filling out our contact form or calling 732-497-8463. We will work with you to get all the bugs out of your website copy.

Ready To Level Up Your Marketing?

There’s a lot you can do to position your pest control company well in the online world. Your competitors are going above and beyond to get found online, and you’d better do the same if you want to rise above.

It all comes down to understanding your customer. Once you know what they need, finding a way to draw them is easy. Build your marketing efforts around your ideal customer and you’ll see massive results.

If you’d like to discuss how you can generate better results online, let’s schedule a time to chat. You can pick a time that works for you now by going to scheduling a free Lead Flow Acceleration Session with us.

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Director of Marketing
“I could not be happier. I’m thrilled with the team. I’m thrilled with the level of customer service, how you guys strategize around what you’re trying to accomplish for us.”