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Setting a PPC Budget: Factors to Consider for Pest Control Companies

Pest control is a booming industry. Increased demand for pest control services from home and business owners is causing the industry’s market value to skyrocket. Forecasts for 2026 suggest that the overall market value for pest control companies will reach $29 billion.

If you own a pest control company, it’s never been more important to consider comprehensive PPC campaigns. As more customers clamor for pest control services, traditional marketing methods won’t cut it. Instead, you need a top-notch campaign with an optimized PPC budget.

If you find yourself searching for guidance on creating a PPC campaign for pest control companies, this guide is for you. It explains how to leverage pay-per-click marketing to attract new customers, explicitly outlining factors to consider when setting your PPC budget.


What Is PPC?

Pay-per-click marketing is a simple yet highly effective form of ad campaign. Users searching for specific, designated keywords will see your company’s ad and hopefully click on it. A company advertising its services pays the hosting website when a potential client clicks on the ad. 

PPC campaigns seek to optimize the click-through rate for their ads. The click-through rate affects daily spending concerns.

Essentially, PPC budgets involve paying money to earn even more money. They excel at attracting specific, interested demographics, providing a targeted approach unlike other advertising methods.

How Much Money Do I Need to Start My PPC Project?

The first and most important aspect of setting a PPC budget is considering your lead needs. “Leads” refer to the ads you’re choosing to focus on. You’ll need to consider the following when determining how much money to spend on your leads:

  • Lead quality: How much will it cost to make the leads?
  • Target cost per lead (CPL): What’s your desired cost per lead?
  • New client goal: How many new clients do you want per month?
  • Close rate: What’s your desired close rate? What percentage of customers will buy your services after they click on an ad?
  • Buying cycle: What stage of the buying cycle will your leads target? Discovery, decision, or elsewhere?
  • Visitor frequency: What are your goals for visitor frequency?
  • Geographic location: Where is your business located? How will that affect results?

If you set your CPL, as well as your new client goal and close rate, you can calculate your total PPC leads cost. First, divide your new client goal by the close rate to determine your PPC leads cost, then multiply the result by your CPL. This math should give you your overall PPC budget.

For instance, if you need 300 new clients a month for your pest control company and have a close rate of 20%, you’ll need a conversion rate of 1,500 per month to turn 20% of them into 300 leads. If your CPL rate is $25, you’ll need $37,500 a month or $1,250 per day.

PPC Budget Checklist

Calculating your PPC budget using the listed formula is easy. However, there are other factors to consider when planning your campaign’s expenditures, especially when deciding your new client goal, CPL, and close rate.

1. Look for Growth Opportunities

Your overall budget plays a crucial role in getting leads. You might assume that doubling your budget will automatically double your leads, but this might not be true. Estimating the effects of PPC budget changes on campaign performance can be difficult.

Google Ads provides a Keyword Planner tool that can determine your ad campaign’s opportunities for growth. It’ll predict how changing your budget could affect your results, providing in-depth details and statistics based on your campaign’s unique characteristics.

2. Identify Keyword Themes

Your ad campaign won’t perform well if your chosen keywords don’t garner a lot of clicks. Choosing the right keywords is important in planning your PPC budget. Using the Google Ads Keyword Planner will help you determine your monthly spend rate, click-through rate, and cost-per-click rate.

While you may have previously debated the benefits of SEO and PPC campaigns, both marketing strategies rely on using quality keywords to drive clicks for business gains.

3. Analyze Past Performance

Google Ads allows you to analyze past usage of specific keywords. Locate the “metrics” section, then find the “modify column” icon. Underneath the area “competitive metrics,” tick the boxes for “display lost IS (budget)” and “search lost IS (budget).” 

Calculate the max number of impressions by dividing the number of impressions by the search impression share column. Once you’ve calculated this number, you can multiply it by the value in the “search lost IS (budget)” column to find the number of ad impressions that failed due to a lack of budget.

Multiplying this number by the click-through rate will indicate how many clicks you missed, while multiplying this result by the average cost per click indicates how much more money your budget needs to be fully efficient.

4. Search vs. Display

Usually, around 19% of a PPC budget goes toward the Google Display Network. However, it’s better to increase this rate, perhaps even to 50%.

This fact is because remarketing, or increasing your leads display on Google, often increases and optimizes the conversion rate. After all, higher display levels mean more people searching for your ads. 

Consider the level of competition and business inherent to the pest control industry. With so many companies angling for a slice of the pie, why not make your business stand out? You can determine the average display network allocation for pest control PPC budgets in your area using Google.

Professional Marketing for Pest Control Services

Our team at MarketingPests provides tailor-made PPC campaigns for pest control companies. We specialize in helping pest control companies generate high-quality leads, driving clicks and customers to them. With nearly 20 years of experience, our team knows all about the pest control industry and how to succeed in it.  We’ll work with you to set a PPC budget that works for your company. Don’t waste time with a campaign that doesn’t get you results. Contact us at MarketingPests for a consultation and to learn more about SEO vs. PPC in marketing campaigns.

Ready To Level Up Your Marketing?

There’s a lot you can do to position your pest control company well in the online world. Your competitors are going above and beyond to get found online, and you’d better do the same if you want to rise above.

It all comes down to understanding your customer. Once you know what they need, finding a way to draw them is easy. Build your marketing efforts around your ideal customer and you’ll see massive results.

If you’d like to discuss how you can generate better results online, let’s schedule a time to chat. You can pick a time that works for you now by going to scheduling a free Lead Flow Acceleration Session with us.

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